
Hey! I'm Egor Tomashin

Unity Developer
26.05.2000 (24 y.o.)
Volos (Greece) & Moscow (Russia)

I became interested in programming in high school, but began to develop intensively in this area only in 2018 after entering the university in the corresponding direction, which I graduated in 2022 with a specialization in Augmented and Virtual Reality Technologies. I study exclusively in practice, because I do not like theory because it is impossible to remember everything without practical application.

I am developing various software (games, applications) for different platforms using Unity with C#. Over the past time, I have worked both for myself and as member of various studios, doing not only the duties of Unity Developer, but also Game Designer and Project Manager.

Over 5 years of experience

Professional Experience

For all the time of indie and commercial development, I was not only a Unity Developer, but also held such positions as a Game Designer, Project Manager and Tester.

Jan 2022 — Present


Unity Developer

Real-time visualization of various data

Sep 2018 — Present


Founder & Unity Developer

My "own" studio for publishing games

Mar 2022 — Jan 2023

Grand Mobile

Unity UI Developer

Layout and programming of multifunctional and modern UI

Feb 2021 — Nov 2021


Game Generalist

Development of mobile projects from scratch to release, Testing of other studio projects, Supervising development

Sep 2020 — Nov 2020

Earworm Studio

Unity Developer

Creating and modifying a Match-3 Game

Apr 2020 — Oct 2020

Magic Quick

Unity AR Developer

Development for educational AR games

Jul 2020 — Sep 2020


Unity Developer

Development of mini-games

Over 5 years of experience


The main position is Unity Developer, but throughout my professional career I have also worked as a Project Manager and Game Designer.

  • Unity & C# Development since 2018
  • Understanding the basic principles and patterns of programming
  • High-tech UI layout
  • Working with popular assets
  • Specialty in AR & VR
  • Good gaming experience
  • Mathematical education
  • Experience in writing design and technical documentation
  • Project and team management
  • Knowledge of modern methodologies
  • Experience in task and bug trackers
  • Understanding all stages of development
  • Languages: Russian – Native, English – Intermediate
  • Education: Technical
  • Responsibility, literacy, attentiveness
  • Quick learning of anything in practice

Projects Showcase

Here are listed all the projects that were developed by me personally (Goryned) and as part of the studios (Freelance).

Articles by Egor Tomashin

Various articles, certificates and interviews

Bachelor with honors


Completed Bachelor's degree

2018 — 2022

Moscow Polytechnic University

Bachelor's Degree in AR/VR development

Moscow, Russia

2014 — 2018

Lyceum #1557

Physical and mathematical direction

Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia

2007 — 2014

School #27

General education

Mytishchi, Russia


July 4, 2022

Moscow Polytechnic University

Bachelor's Degree in AR/VR development

Moscow, Russia

December 4, 2021

University of Alberta

Object-Oriented Design


